Throughout 2020, Israel Detains 4,636 Palestinians

Ramallah, MINA – Throughout 2020, Israel detained 4,636 Palestinians, including 543 children under the age of 18, and 128 women, while issuing 1,114 administrative detention orders.

The report is issued by the Prisoners and Former Detainees Commission, Palestinian Prisoners Society, Addameer for Prisoners Support and Human Rights, and the Wadi Hilweh Information Center. Thus it was quoted from Wafa on Saturday.

“380 Palestinians are still being held in administrative detention, while four prisoners have died of illness while imprisoned,” the report said.

A total of 543 inmates served multiple life sentences, including five who were sentenced to life in prison in 2020, and one inmate, Abdullah Barghouti, served 67 life sentences.

About 700 inmates are experiencing illness, among them 300 who are chronically ill including Fouad Shoubaki, 81, the oldest, has cancer and requires special medical care.

Israel also kept the bodies of eight prisoners who died while in prison and refused to hand them over to their families for burial. The reason is used as a bargaining chip in a future agreement with Palestine. (T/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)

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