Photo : Ma'an News Agency
A large convoy of medical supplies is expected to reach the Gaza Strip on Tuesday afternoon. (Photo : Ma’an)

Ramallah, 19 Jumadil Awwal 1436/10 March 2015 (MINA) –  A large convoy of medical supplies is expected to reach the Gaza Strip on Tuesday afternoon, the Palestinian Authority Ministry of Health said.

The convoy of 12 trucks set out from Nablus on Monday and is said to be carrying 140 medical packages worth 11 million shekels ($2.7 million).

PA Minister of Health Jawwad Awwad told Ma’an that the convoy was sent “by directive of the President and the Prime Minister,” Ma’an News Agency quoted  by Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA) as reporting.

He said the shipment contains medicine for heart disease, cancer, digestive and respiratory conditions, and also includes diabetes medication and antibiotics.

He said it also contains reagents for laboratory tests, as well as supplies for operation rooms and emergency departments.

Ten percent of the shipment’s worth was donated by the Islamic Relief in Washington.

The Gaza Strip, which has been under an Israeli blockade since 2007, suffers a severe shortage of medical supplies. The conflict between Hamas and Israel last summer saw more than 11,000 Gazans injured.

Tension between Hamas and the Fatah-dominated Palestinian Authority has been detrimental to the supply of aid.

In December, the Ministry of Health accused Hamas officials in Gaza of stealing medicines and supplies sent to the coastal strip.

The ministry also said that assistance to Gaza caused serious shortages in the West Bank.

Medical supplies have also reached Gaza from Egypt, through the Rafah crossing, including 220 tons of supplies in December, but the crossing has only been opened four times since October. (T/P010/P3)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)