OIC Condemns Israeli Army Crimes Against Five Palestinian Muslim Women

Hebron, MINA – The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) condemned the crime of harassment of five Palestinian Muslim women in the city of Hebron by female soldiers from the Israeli Zionist forces, who attacked and forced them to undress.

The cooperation organization of Islamic countries conveys its call to international organizations to assume responsibility by putting pressure on the Israeli authorities to stop the human rights violations that they carry out daily in the Palestinian territories and to prosecute them legally and criminally before the bodies competent international body.

On Monday, an investigation conducted by B’Tselem revealed that two armed female Israeli soldiers were on patrol, carrying an attack dog, Palinfo reported.

Forcing five Palestinian women from a family in the city of Hebron, each separately, to take off all their clothes and walk around naked in front of them.

Based on the Palestinian Muslim woman’s statement, the two female soldiers threatened to release the dogs to them if they did not comply with orders. (T/RE1/P2)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)