Khaled Mishaal. (Photo: PIC)
Khaled Mishaal. (Photo: PIC)

Doha, 22 Rabiul Awal 1437/4 January 2016 (MINA) – Member of Hamas political bureau Ezzat al-Resheq denied the existence of any accounts for the head of Hamas’s political bureau Khaled Mishaal on any of the social media websites, and asked the media not to deal with such fake accounts.

Resheq said in a tweet on Sunday that the Facebook and Twitter accounts under the name of Mishaal are fabricated and do not represent him, The Palestinian Information Center (PIC) quoted by Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA) as reporting.

The Palestinian academician Dr. Abdusattar Qasem opined that opening fabricated social media accounts under the names of Hamas leaders is part of the battle of the Israeli occupation and its allies against resistance.

Dr. Qasem told Quds Press that such a move aims at distorting Hamas’s stances. He accused the Israeli occupation along with the Palestinian Authority and some of the Arab regimes particularly of the gulf countries of standing behind the creation of such fake accounts.

Qasem pointed out that the battle of Egypt’s and the PA’s intelligence against resistance is still ongoing for the purpose of inciting the Palestinian and the Egyptian people against resistance.

In the Qatari capital Doha, doctor of political sciences Mohammad Mesfer charged Arab regimes, especially the Egyptian regime, along with the Palestinian Authority and international parties, with Israel on the top, of publishing such accounts with the aim of undermining Palestinian leaders.

A score of social media accounts with the name of Khaled Mishaal and other Hamas leaders have been spread over the internet. Every now and then, statements on their behalf get published and soon denied by Hamas Movement. (T/P011/R03)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)