Jakarta, MINA – Leaders of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) received a visit from the High Priest from Uzbekistan at the Central MUI Building, Jakarta on Thursday. The arrival was received by a number of MUI management.
“Our visit to Indonesia is to invite Muslims and Muslim women to come to our place. That is a place that is well-known and very Islamic, one of which (who came from there) is Imam Al Bukhari, Imam Al-Maturidi, Imam Ad-Darimi,” said the High Priest from Samarkand, Zayaddin Eshonkulov.
He also said, Samarkhand is also a famous city and has a long history, there is also beautiful nature.
“Good society, will always receive good tourists and good service from the area,” he said.
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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala says; “He ordered his people to explore the whole world, also the Prophet Shallallahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam” said in his hadith that we also need to “travel more and you’ll be happy.”
“Those are some of the reasons we invite all of you to our country,” he said.
Secretary General of the MUI, Buya Amirsyah Tambunan said, the arrival of the High Priest of Uzbekistan was an honor for the MUI, his arrival conveyed the rich culture and historical places in Uzbekistan.
“All praise is due to Allâh, the Lord of the Worlds. On this day, MUI received a guest of honor from Uzbekistan. Our brother said that Uzbekistan, the city of Samarkand is a city that has an extraordinary treasure of Muslim cultural heritage. One of them is the Tomb of Imam Bukhari which has been visited by various countries,” he said.
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In the Islamic world, Buya Amirsyah explained, Imam Bukhari is one of the narrators of hadith that has been enshrined in many books read by Muslims.
“Therefore, Indonesia longs to visit Uzbekistan and the cities around it, in order to unite ukhuwah Islamiyah, as well as increase the knowledge of Muslims regarding cultural heritage sites in that country, hopefully we will be able to make a visit soon reply,” he added. (T/RE1)
Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)
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