Jakarta, MINA – The Muhammadiyah Central Leadership Community Empowerment Council carried out a collaborative program to improve the welfare of the Mardiko Scavenger group at Piyungan TPA, Bantul through environmental and health improvements in the form of a waste processing production house on Thursday.
Chairman of the MPM Muhammadiyah Central Leadership, M Nurul Yamin, said that this program is an effort to transform livelihoods from scavengers to waste managers through Waste Processing Production Houses. However, Yamin said that this effort requires a process.
Apart from that, related to the choice of the name Mardiko, the acronym for Makaryo Adi Ngayogyakarta is to make the scavenger group a part of building and helping a clean culture in Yogyakarta.
“This is a synergy between all parties who can still complement each other. We hope that the Production House will not only be used for waste management, but also for education, transformation and tourism,” said Yamin in his statement on Thursday, as quoted from Republika online.
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Through this program, Yamin hopes that Muhammadiyah will become a stakeholder who consistently advances Indonesia. This also includes making the people healthy, increasing welfare, especially the economy, for waste management businesses.
Meanwhile, Deputy Chair of LAZISMU PP Muhammadiyah, Muarawati said that LAZISMU is the only LAZ that places the environmental pillar as the target of the movement. LAZISMU considers the environment to be a fundamental problem faced by humans.
“This is a problem and a disaster if we don’t say anything, if Muhammadiyah doesn’t do anything. Our behavior in sorting waste from home will help save the environment,” he said.
This program is driven collaboratively between the PP Muhammadiyah Community Empowerment Council (MPM), Central LAZISMU, and Danone Indonesia. Also present at this event was the DI Environmental Service. Yogyakarta Kusno Wibowo who also supports this welfare improvement program.
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He hopes that MPM PP Muhammadiyah can innovate to improve the welfare of society. One of them is by building environmentally based tourism, especially waste processing. Meanwhile support was also conveyed by Danon Indonesia’s Director of Sustainable Development, Karyanto Wibowo.
“This is a complex problem and we must solve it together. And it is also our commitment to be part of the solution,” said Karyanto.
Chairman of the Mardiko Scavenger Group, Mariyono, expressed his gratitude for the never-ending attention from MPM PP Muhammadiyah. He hopes that this program can improve the welfare of its members. (T/RE1/P2)
Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)
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