Minister Retno to US Secretary of State: Indonesia Reject Israeli Plan Annexation

Jakarta, MINA – Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi conveyed Indonesia’s position over Israel’s plan to annex Palestinian territories in the West Bank when talking with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo by telephone on Wednesday.

“The Foreign Minister reiterated Indonesia’s basic position in the law to continue to encourage and support the struggle of the Palestinian people based on a two-state solution, especially in anticipating the annexation plan that has been announced by Israel to be carried out in the next few weeks,” said the Middle East Director of the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Achmad Rizal Purnama, in a virtual press conference.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has previously said he would take over the West Bank which is likely to take place on July 1.

The annexation plan is strongly supported by the United States which is a close ally of Israel.

The Israeli plan has been criticized by the international community including Indonesia for violating international law and resolutions so far.

Indonesia last week also issued a condemnation and rejection of Israel’s West Bank annexation plan on Saturday last week.

In a statement, Indonesia through the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said the annexation plan is illegal and threatened the stability of regional security. (L / RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)