Minister Retno: Three Reasons Why International Community Should Reject Israel’s Annexation Plan

Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi (photo: Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

New York, MINA – Indonesian Foreign Minister, Retno Marsudi at the Open Meeting of the UN Security Council on Wednesday (June 24) invited the international community to reject Israel’s annexation plan towards the West Bank, Palestine .

“The choice is in our hands, whether to side with international law, or close your eyes and side on the other side that allows actions that are contrary to international law,” said Retno

Foreign Minister Retno also said three reasons why the international community must reject Israel’s annexation plan.

First, Israel’s formal annexation plan to the Palestinian territories is a violation of international law. Allowing annexation means setting a precedent in which territorial control by annexation is a legal act in international law.

“All parties must reject firmly in all international forums through both statements and concrete actions that annexation is illegal,” said the Indonesian Foreign Minister.

Second, Israel’s formal annexation plan is a test of the credibility and legitimacy of the UN Security Council in the eyes of the international community. The UNSC must take swift steps in line with the UN Charter.

“Anyone who threatens international peace and security must be held accountable before the UN Security Council. There should not be a double standard,” said Retno.

Third, annexation will damage the whole prospect of peace. Annexation will also create instability in the region and the world. For this reason, there is an urgency for a credible peace process where all parties stand on equal footing.

“This is the right time to start the peace process in a multilateral framework based on agreed international parameters,” he said.

Foreign Minister Retno also stressed the importance of the world overcoming the humanitarian situation in Palestine, including Palestinian refugees.

“The pandemic has further aggravated the suffering of our brothers in Palestine so that support for international humanitarian institutions, especially UNRWA is very important,” explained the Indonesian Foreign Minister.

“Injustice happens not because of the absence of justice itself. Injustice happens because we allow it to happen. This is the time to stop the injustice,” Retno concluded.

Together with Tunisia and South Africa, Indonesia initiated the council meeting at the Ministerial level, to discuss Israel’s annexation plan.

The meeting was attended by the Secretary General of the United Nations, the Secretary General of the Arab League, the UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, the Palestinian Foreign Minister, and the Foreign Ministers from several member countries of the UN Security Council . (T/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)