Italian Government Provides Language Scholarship for Indonesians

Jakarta, 7 Muharram 1438/8 October 2016 (MINA) – Italian government through its embassy here provides annual scholarship to Indonesians to learn Italian language in the country.

In addition to organizing Italian language classes, the center also provides scholarships for several months to learn the language directly in Italy, Director of the Italian Culture Institute (Instituto Italiano di Cultura) in Indonesia Michela Linda Magari said.

“Every March we promote this program through our website,” She told Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA), after a press conference on 16th Italian Language Week in the World, here, Friday (7/10).

The celebration is used by the embassy to introduce the riches of Italian culture through the entire cultural centers in the  friendly countries.

Bearing the theme “Italian Language and Creativity: Brand, Costume, Fashion and Design,” the peak of this year’s celebration will be held to coincide with a performance of a theatrical dance that is well known in Italy.

Artemis Danza, one of the famous dance studios in Italy,  will be returning to Indonesia to perform “I Bislacchi, A Tribute to Fellini”.

This is part of a tribute to Federico Fellini, an Italian film director and screenwriter known for his distinct style that blends fantasy and earthiness.(L/R04/R07)
Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)