Israeli Knesset Approves Normalization Agreement with UEA

Tel Aviv, MINA – The Israeli Parliament (Knesset) on Thursday approved Israeli normalization Agreement with the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

About 80 out of 120 lawmakers supported the agreement, Anadolu Agency reported.

Only 13 lawmakers voted against it, while 27 others did not take part in the vote.

The deal now only requires a Cabinet decision to take effect.

Earlier, 15 parliamentarians representing Palestinian-Israeli citizens said they would reject the agreement.

The UAE and Bahrain agreed to forge full diplomatic, cultural and commercial relations with Israel after signing a controversial agreement at the White House on September 15.

Many countries, including Turkey and Iran, have criticized the deal.

Palestinians denounced the agreement and called it “stab in the back.”

Egypt in 1979 and Jordan in 1994 also normalized relations with Israel, which has occupied Palestinian land since at least 1967. (T/R7/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)