Jerusalem, MINA – Israeli police demolished four more Palestinian homes on Tuesday in the town of Jabal Al-Mukaber, southeast of occupied Jerusalem, according to a report by the Palestinian Information Center. The homes were demolished on the grounds that they were unlicensed buildings.
Eyewitnesses reported that Israeli occupation police and army troops stormed the city, accompanied by bulldozers and municipal teams. They demolished the homes of brothers Ali, Amin, Hamed, and Muhammad Halaseh.
The Israeli occupation authorities require Palestinians in occupied Jerusalem to demolish their homes themselves if they are suspected of not having permits. Whoever refuses to do so will have their homes demolished by Israeli bulldozers and will have to pay a very expensive amount of money to do so.
The Israeli occupation municipality in Jerusalem does not grant building permits to Palestinians. Forcing them to demolish their homes themselves is inconsistent with international law and humanitarian law that guarantees the right to housing.
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However, such punishments are within the framework of the occupation’s systematic practice of forcibly displacing Palestinians from the city of Jerusalem in order to expand illegal settlements.
According to data published by the Wall and Settlement Resistance Authority, the Israeli occupation authorities carried out 76 demolitions in Jerusalem last month affecting 126 facilities, including 74 inhabited homes and 4 uninhabited homes, as well as 29 agricultural and other buildings. []
Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)
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