Indonesian-US Foreign Minister Discuss Palestinian Issue

Photo: Kemlu RI

Jakarta, MINA – Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi on Thursday received a visit from US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. One of the things discussed at the meeting is the Palestinian issue.

“We discussed the Palestinian issue. I mentioned that this issue is close to the hearts of Indonesians,” said Retno during a conference with Pompeo at the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Office, Central Jakarta.

The Indonesian Foreign Minister also emphasized that Indonesia’s support for Palestinian peace is based on the principle of a “two-state solution”.

In addition, Retno in her statement said that the issue of Afghanistan was one of the issues discussed at the meeting.

“We also discussed our collaboration in Afghanistan. We appreciate the US leadership in bringing peace to Afghanistan and Indonesia is ready to contribute more to issues especially related to women’s empowerment,” he explained.

Meanwhile, Pompeo praised the role of the Indonesian Foreign Minister in the peace process in Afghanistan.

“I really appreciate your involvement in the Afghan peace process,” he said

“And make sure every Afghan man and woman have all the rights they deserve,” he added.

Pompeo’s visit to Indonesia is part of a series of trips to India, Sri Lanka, the Maldives and Indonesia on 25-30 October 2020.

Pompeo, previously visited Indonesia in 2018. Pompeo met the Indonesian Foreign Minister and President Joko Widodo at the time. (L/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)