Indonesian Navy Increase Nation Service in Nuzulul Quran Commemoration

Ambon, MINA — Commander of Ambon Base Navy (Lantamal) IX, Laksma TNI Antongan Simatupang, appealed to his personnel to apply teachings Quran in carrying out daily tasks, including among families and communities.

“I appeal to the large family of Lantamal IX to implement the duties carried out values ​​from the Qur’an,” said Antongan Simatupang on the commemoration of 1440 Hijri Nuzulul Quran at Ambon Nurul Iman Complex, Monday, as quited from Republika online.

In his written remarks read by Wadan Lantamal IX, Col. Mar. Supriyono, Danlantamal stressed that Nuzulul Quran warning has an important meaning for humanity, especially increasing the faith and piety of Allah.

Especially for Lantamal IX personnel, this Nuzulul Quran warning can be used as a means to improve the quality of service to nation and state.

“This warning is important for all of us, because it contains spiritual values ​​and financial values ​​needed to arouse the spirit of religion and struggle as the warriors of Sapta Marga, in carrying out life to be in harmony with religious teachings,” he said.

He also invited the large family of Ambon Lantamal IX to fill Ramadan with various activities in order to increase the capacity of science in an effort to improve the dignity and national dignity. (T/Sj/P2)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)