Indonesia Want to Strengthen Sharia Financial Cooperation With Japan

Vice President Ma'ruf Amin paid a courtesy visit to Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, at Akasaka Palace, Tokyo, Monday (26/09/2022). (Photo: BPMI Setwapres)

Tokyo, MINA – Indonesian Vice President Ma’ruf Amin held a meeting with Japanese Prime Minister (PM) Fumio Kishida, at the Akasaka Palace, Tokyo on Monday. They discussed several issues, including the cooperation of Islamic finance and halal industry.

“Attention to cooperation in Islamic finance and industry is also a concern expressed by the Vice President,” said Spokesperson for the Vice President Masduki Baidlowi after accompanying the Vice President in the meeting.

The vice president encouraged the strengthening of potential cooperation in the field of sharia economy and the halal industry, especially in leading sectors such as food, cosmetics, fashion, including tourism, and halal industrial areas.

“Indonesia is ready to become the main partner in the development of the halal business in Japan, among others through the preparation of Muslim-friendly tourism standards in Japanese tourist destinations and halal certification for Japanese products,” he said.

In addition, the Vice President also expects the realization of investment expansion and new investments worth 5.2 billion US dollars, the completion of strategic infrastructure projects, and the resolution of barriers to access for exports of Indonesian agricultural and fishery products.

Regarding cooperation to increase human resource capacity (HR), the Vice President expressed his appreciation for Japan’s support as Indonesia’s HR development partner through the provision of scholarships and technical training.

“The vice president hopes that Japan can continue to support efforts to expand Japanese language teaching, vocational education, and strengthen disaster response communities,” said Masduki.

Meanwhile, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida expressed his gratitude for the visit of the Vice President in Tokyo to attend a state honor procession for the death of Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. In addition, PM Kishida also welcomed and was ready to support Indonesia’s leadership in the G20.

“This is a strategic role carried out by Indonesia and Japan at the international level. Japan is very concerned with regional security and stability in the Asia-Pacific,” he said.

In 2023 Japan will be trusted to hold the Chair of the G7 and Indonesia to hold the Chair of ASEAN. The Japanese PM hopes that the two countries can support each other in each of these forums.

“The Japanese PM hopes that the leadership of Japan and Indonesia can contribute to the international and regional levels. For this reason, Japan will strengthen Japan-ASEAN relations and Japan-Indonesia relations which have existed for 60 years,” said Masduki. (T/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)