Indonesia Consistenly Contributes to Palestine

Jakarta, MINA – Director General of Middle East of Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sunarko, in a written statement said that Indonesia is consistent in providing tangible support to Palestinians.

This was conveyed at the commemoration of Palestinian Land Day as well as Commemoration of Isra ‘Mi’raj at the Palestinian Embassy in Jakarta, Thursday.

“Indonesia will remain consistent in giving real support to Palestine, both from the side of government and people of Indonesia,” he said as stated by Nurul Aulia at the event.

The real support includes the visit of Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno L.P. Marsudi to the Palestinian camp in Jordan in early March, Indonesia’s support for Palestinian membership at the United Nations through the Security Council (UNSC) and various kinds of assistance from the Indonesian people, both in the form of financial and non-financial support.

Based on the commitment of government and people of Indonesia as stated in the 1945 Constitution, Indonesia will always fight for the rights of Palestinians and of course for Palestine independence.

The event was attended by representatives of the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, several ambassadors of friendly countries, Jama’ah Muslimin (Hizbullah), Islamic organizations such as Indonesian Ulema of Council (MUI), Aqsa Working Group (AWG), Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT) and several other mass organizations.

Palestinian Land Day, which coincides with a year of Great March of Return protest, is a form of expression for Palestinian homeland and a form of rejection of all forms of Israeli politics, which always try to divorce Palestinian people and destroy perceptions as citizens.

Land Day is celebrated throughout the world, especially the Palestinian people who celebrate it every March 30, where it began in 1976. (T/Sj/R04)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)