Jakarta, 5 Rabi’al -Awal 1435/7 January 2014 (MINA) – Indonesian Foreign Minister, Marty M Natalegawa declared Indonesia’s foreign policy in 2014 to give emphasis on conflict resolution of Palestine and Syria.

“Indonesia’s foreign policy agenda of the year 2014 stresses for the conflict resolution of Palestine and Syria that has not shown the end yet,” Marty said in a speech to the annual press statement, Jakarta, Tuesday (7/1).

Marty emphasized, to solve the Syrian  and Palestinian conflicts, Indonesia used the approach of dialogue and diplomacy. “The approach of dialogue and diplomacy should be the priority to achieve peace in the Middle East,” he said.

“Achieving world peace is one of our State constitutional mandate. Ministry of Foreign Affairs as the spearhead of this mandate work well. So, we need support of various stakeholders, especially the media, ” Marty added.

According to Foreign Minster, the distrust among countries and parties now have been arising, particularly in the Middle East and the Asia Pacific regions.” Trust Deficit among fellow nations and parties is one of the causes of disputes. Therefore we have to build up positive communication to minimize the problem, ” said the Foreign Minister.

Marty stated, Indonesia will host a Conference on Cooperation Among East Asian Countries for Palestinian Development CEAPAD ) in early March 2014.

The conference will discuss how to improve collaboration and partnership to help private sectors in realizing the Palestinian people’s struggle for independence and their well-being.

“It’s a form of Indonesian contribution as a member of the international community,” he added as saying that the forum would be the first in Indonesia, after previously the similar conferences took place in Turkey, Brazil and Austria.

Despite entering 2014 as a political year, Indonesia will still maintain its international diplomacy such as through such conferences.

In Agutus 2014, Indonesia is also scheduled to host the 6th Global Forum for the UN Alliance of Civilizations.

Palestine is the only country that is still under occupation by the Zionist Israelis. Therefore, they need international parties support in their struggle to reach independence.

In February 2013, CEAPAD conference was held by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.

In 2013, Indonesian government trained 30 Palestinian people in a microfinance skill training in Amman, Jordan.

It was aimed to empower economic independence of the country that has been blockaded by Israel since 2007, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia reported in its official website as monitered by Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA).

“Indonesia shared knowledge and experience of its micro, small and medium Enterprises management (UMKM) and their contribution in boosting the country’s economy (Palestine),” Siti Nugraha Mauludiah, the Director of Technical Cooperation of the Ministry said.( L/P04/P09/E1)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency ( MINA )

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