Imam Yakhsyallah: Muslims are Born to be the Best Ummah

Kebumen, MINA – Muslims are destined to take control of the leadership of mankind towards goodness. Therefore, they must try to keep the leadership of mankind from falling into the hands of those who will do mischief.

This was conveyed by Imamul Muslimin Yakhsyallah Mansur in his preach during the Tablig Akbar Jama’ah Muslimin which was held at the Al Muttaqin Mosque in the Manunggal Gombong field complex, Kebumen on Sunday.

He conveyed it when explaining the content of Ali Imran verse 110.

According to him, leadership will be given to Muslims who are awarded the right faith, views, rules, morals, and knowledge because those make Muslims superior to other people.

There are three characteristics possessed by Muslims so that they carry the title of the best people, namely enjoining the righteous, forbidding the evil, and believing in Allah.

Ordering to the good deeds (makruf) is related to all forms of actions that are considered good by reason and sharia’.

To prevent bad deeds is to prevent all actions that are considered bad by common sense.

Believing in Allah as a characteristic of the best people can be realized through positive behavior as evidence of faith as mentioned in verse 3 of  Al-Anfal.

In addition, he also said, to be able to become the best ummah, one of the things that Muslims can do is carry out the Shari’ah Al-Jama’ah, as ordered by Allah.

“Hopefully by implementing the Al-Jama’ah sharia, Muslims can unite and the Al-Aqsa Mosque can be controlled again by Muslims,” ​​he said. (T/ri/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)