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Imaamul Muslimin Calls on Muslims to Make Ramadan the Month of Quran

Nidiya Fitriyah - Sunday, 28 April 2019 - 16:08 WIB

Sunday, 28 April 2019 - 16:08 WIB

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South Lampung, MINA – Imaaamul Muslim Yakhshallah Mansur called on Muslims to make Ramadan the month of Quran.

“Use Ramadan as Shahrul Quran, dyeing the Quran is each of us,” he said at the Tabligh Akbar Jamaah Muslimin (Hizbullah) at the An-Nubuwwah Mosque, Al-Fatah Muhajirun Complex, Negararatu, Natar, South Lampung on Sunday (28/4).

Imaam Yakhshallah hoped that by dyeing the Quran, by diligently reading and interpreting the Quran, it would be able to improve Quranic morality.

“Morals are the Quran, that’s the morality of the Propeth Muhammad that we must follow,” he continued.

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Imaam also asked Muslims to carry out the fasting of Ramadan according to the Sunnah (path of prophethood).

“Do not do something (worship), if there are no examples from Rasululah,” he said in front of around 10 thousand worshipers who attended Tabligh Akbar with the theme “Strengthening the Aqeedah of Knitting the Ukhuwwah Islamiyah as the Implementation of Islam Rahmatan lil Alamiin”.

He also said, the meaning of fasting which is important is sincerity and brotherhood. It is impossible for good deeds to be done except with sincerity, he continued.

“Brotherhood is the same, so urgency for the lives of Muslims,” ​​he added in the presence of worshipers.

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Tabligh Akbar was attended by Muslims who came from various regions in Indonesia, starting from Aceh, Medan, Jambi, Palembang, Jakarta, Banten, Central Java, West Java, East Java, Pontianak, Samarinda, Balikpapan, Maluku, and from abroad, such as Malaysia, Philippines and Thailand. (LT/R04/P2)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)

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