Imaam Yakhsyallah Prays for Sudan Crisis to End Soon

Jakarta, MINA – Imaamul Muslimin Yakhshallah Mansur is praying for the crisis that is currently engulfing the Sudanese to end soon.

“We pray that the crisis in Sudan to end soon. Hopefully the Sudanese people can resolve the crisis independently, without any interference from foreign parties, “Imaam Yakhsyallah told MINA on Sunday.

Sudan is one of the Muslim countries, the community and its leaders should be able to restrain themselves and return all the problems they face to Allah and His Messenger (Al-Quran and Sunnah of Prorhet Muhammad p.b.u.h). He also appealed to all Muslims to pray for the Sudanese people so that they could overcome the crisis well and quickly.

There are many students from Indonesia who are currently still in Sudan, Imaam said that Indonesian students there remain focused on learning and complying with applicable laws, both from the Sudanese government, and regulations from the Indonesian government through the Indonesian Embassy there .

Sudan is a country that is well known to be quite stable in its political and economic in recent decades. Sudan is also known as a country that has succeeded in empowering zakat funds so that its programs can alleviate poverty in the country.

Several institutions in Indonesia are studying the management of zakat in the country. Some universities also invite Sudanese zakat experts to be able to transmit their knowledge and experience in poverty alleviation programs through empowering zakat funds. (L / P2 / R01)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)