Gaza Schoolgirls Rally in Solidarity with Children in Israeli Jails

Photo: PIC

Gaza, 7 Rajab 1438/4 April-2017 (MINA) – Dozens of schoolgirls on Monday participated in a sit-in organized on Monday in the Gaza Strip in solidarity with children detained in Israeli jails.

The participants carried pictures of child prisoners and banners condemning Israel’s inhumane practices against the Palestinian children in its jails, the Palestinian Information Center reported.

In a speech during the sit-in, Palestinian ex-detainee Yaser Saleh hailed the Palestinian children in Gaza for actively supporting their national cause through their participation in different events and activities.

“We have seen how the enemy fears children and opens fire at them at point-blank range. If they arrest a child, they neglect his injury, leave him to bleed, and exploit his suffering as they question him in detention centers and interrogation cellars,” Saleh said.

“The wounded child, Osama Zaidat, got out of prison carrying a platinum rod in the thigh and three injuries in his body, but these wounds did not affect him physically or psychologically, rather they made him a defender of the prisoners’ rights in Israeli jails,” he added.

For her part, ex-detainee Fatima az-Zaq called for sending international observers to follow up the incarceration conditions of child prisoners in Israeli jails, affirming that many violations are still committed against them.

“I am filled with heartache when I see them in prison where jailers are only there with them. They should be with their families and not in jails,” she said.(T/R04/RS5)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)