Fuel Prices Soar, Indonesian Workers to Hold Massive Demonstration on September 6

Fuel Prices Soar, Indonesian Workers to Hold Massive Demonstration on September 6 (photo: Okezone)

Jakarta, MINA – The Labour Party and Indonesian Trade Union Confederation will stage a massive demonstration on September 6 over the government’s decision to rise fuel prices.

Said Iqbal, President of Indonesian Trade Union Confederation said the demonstration in Jakarta will be held in front of the DPR ( People’s Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia ) Building to urge the House Leaders to summon the Coordinating Minister for the Economy Affairs, the Minister of Finance, the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), and other ministers related to the decision.

“The leaders and Commission VII must establish a Special Committee or Standing Committee to handle this problem,” said Iqbal as quoted by Republika on Monday.

Meanwhile, the workers outside Jakarta will hold simultaneous protests in their respective governor’s offices.

“If the government and DPR ignore this demonstration, we will organize further marches to protest about increasing fuel prices and omnibus law. We will also demand a wage increase by 10-13 percent in 2023,” he added.

The government announced an increase in fuel prices on Saturday, September 3. The Pertalite price rises from Rp. 7,650 to Rp. 10,000/liter, the subsidized diesel price soars from Rp. 5,150 to Rp. 6,800/liter, and the Pertamax price increases from Rp 12,500 to Rp 14,500/liter.

According to Iqbal, there are at least two reasons why the Labor Party and Indonesian Trade Union Confederation protest against the government’s decision. First, it will reduce worker’s purchasing power by up to 50 percent while worker wages have not increased in the last three years and he also believes it will not rising too next year,

The second reason is, the increase occurs when world oil prices fall, so he thinks the government wants to take advantage in the midst of Indonesian’s difficulties. (T/ri/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)