EU Says Muslims “Important Part” of Europe’s Future

European Commission First Vice-President Frans Timmermans

Brussels, MINA – European Commission First Vice-President Frans Timmermans will hold a roundtable discussion Wednesday with ten European imams and scholars, as the EU institution seeks further engagement with Muslim communities in Europe.

The Imams and scholars hail from six EU Member States – Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany, France, Italy and The Netherlands, representing various sects, KUNA rported, citing a European Commission press release Tuesday.

Ahead of tomorrow’s meeting, Timmermans said “The Muslim community, in all its diversity, has an important role to play in Europe’s future.”

“Muslims will find a loyal friend in the European Commission that will support everyone’s right to practice their faith and traditions in peace”, he added.

The EU’s executive body holds high-level meetings with religious and non-confessional organisations , as part of the regular dialogue with churches, religions and philosophical organisations foreseen by the EU’s Lisbon Treaty.

In September 2017, Timmermans hosted a seminar with Muslim university students from across Europe, together with European Parliament Vice-President Mairead McGuinness.

Tomorrow’s meeting is an opportunity to further deepen this much needed conversation, bringing in new voices and perspectives, added the press release. (T/RS5/RS1)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)