Mohammed Badie (2nd L), Mohamed Beltagy (3rd L) and Safvet Hicazi (L) in court, as their sentences to life imprisonment was read out. (Photo: MEMO)
Mohammed Badie (2nd L), Mohamed Beltagy (3rd L) and Safvet Hicazi (L) in court, as their sentences to life imprisonment was read out. (Photo: MEMO)

Cairo, 7 Ramadan 1435/5 July 2014 (MINA) – An Egyptian court sentenced ten leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood to death on charges of inciting violence in the Qalioubiya province last year, a judicial source said, on Saturday (5/7).

The defendants were convicted of blocking roads, inciting violence and attacking security forces on July 22 – some three weeks after the ouster of elected president Mohamed Morsi.

Two people had been killed and 35 others injured in the violence,  Middle East Monitor (MEMO) quoted by Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA) as reporting.

Among those condemned to death, who were all tried in absentia. It was senior Brotherhood leader Abdel-Rahman al-Bar, who is known as the Brotherhood mufti.

The judicial source said, The court also slapped 37 Brotherhood leaders, including Supreme Guide Mohamed Badie, with life sentences each and another defendant with a 3 year jail term.

The army-backed interim government late last year designated the Brotherhood as a terrorist organization.

Thousands of Brotherhood members have been arrested on charges of incitement-to-violence and joining a “terrorist” group.

The defendants, however, deny the accusations, which they describe as “politically motivated”.(T/Nidiya/E01)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)

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