By: Moehammad Amar Ma’ruf, Chargé d’Affaires a.i of the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Tripoli
It is very nice to write some special things that telling about our humble experience during our post in the country like Libya.
We never know that behind the local characteristic containing many wise messages for our social life. One of that special things is cultural products. The products that attach to the originality of thinking and behavior of such local people in appreciating its environment and social values.
As Indonesian who has been posted almost three years in Libya, I always be reminded by Indonesian proverb which says “Dimana bumi dipijak, Di situ langit dijunjung” or in English word is Where the earth is stepped on, there the Sky is upheld.
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If I talk about Libya, off course three years are very short to know better the whole things in Libya. But to grabs what I have gotten during these years, I remember with the wise man said, who say if we want to keep that values attach tightly in our memory, you should write and documented that.
Inspiring from the above wise word, I begin to write. Then my collection of writing to be collected and published as a Book. Book that describes all special things in order to be known and understood not only by us as the writer but also by readers.
Furthermore, the messages of publishing a book is directed to give us or readers to think further in developing information that they have read into more tangible creative economic activities and industries.
In line with the above perspective, I start to engage with my Libyan colleagues, namely Mr. Hasan Onais, the former Chairman of Libyan Culture Office with its team ( Brother Abdulmotaleb and friends) and begin collecting and exchanging data on cultural issues.
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I highly appreciate to them who have rendered their valuable time to collaborate with the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Tripoli in the form of making joint committee to publish cultural book that envisage our two countries cultural heritages.
Both committees formed in year 2020 and made Joint Collection Book with the Title : Nature and Some Collection of two countries Cultural Heritages as you may see at the photo attached.
The book that being made is very simple book but it is very meaningful at least for the Embassy and the Cultural Office of Libya in order to be able to record their observation toward the richness of the our two local heritages. The book is written in Arabic and Indonesian languages. The book considered as the first cultural product that resulted from the joint committee which never found before. This book is expected to give another way in enhancing cultural relations between two countries and peoples. (People to People Contacts).
Indonesia and Libya are well-known as coastal states. Both countries have different climate and geographical situation. This situation brings opportunities that can be translated into tangible activities, especially in supporting and empowering people in involved actively in creative economic.
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Many potentials can be explored and many issues can give chance for activating the economic activities while both also can maintain their cultural and environment preservation as integral part of our respect and effort to the balance of our natural and traditional heritages and also for human interaction.
Indonesia is tropical country and Libya is subtropical country. This make our two peoples have different way of adapting their daily lives and maintaining and developing their own local values in sustainable manners. This make very interesting to be explored and understood each others.
In bridging the understanding and preserving this valuable heritages, the Embassy and the Libya Cultural Offices choose this kind of works as one of effort in maintaining cultural asset that Libya and Indonesia are proud to be promoted and enhanced.
Thanks to God Almighty by doing collaboratively even though the situation is quite limited due to pandemic, the project has been done well. The book is done. For the initial step, the book is made digitally. The readers may reach the book through click :
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Realizing this project is only initial step for further developing more practical activities between Embassy and the related agencies in Libya, the Embassy tries to disseminate the message of this cultural asset by doing more digital activities with Libyan community/stakeholders.
Since the last two years, the Embassy has made some digital exchange promotion programs. One of them is Culinary Program of our two countries. Direct or indirectly, this program support the fact that this aspect can create opportunities.
As one of the example is the Indonesian who has returned to Indonesia, he made success in opening Libyan Food Outlet/mini movable restaurant with Indonesian taste in West Sumatera Indonesia. The initiator is Brother Alvan Satria Shidiq. The reader can see the achievement through this link:
Furthermore, the Indonesian food taste is also accepted by the Libyan. As being proven by the Appreciation and testimony Program broadcasting in our National Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI) Voice of Indonesia that broadcast testimony from Libyan communities who has lived in Indonesia. You may hear the recording of the interview through the link:
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When the food sector is giving positive signal, other areas like painting art also the same. Some Libyan painters have actively participated in many cultural event that organized by Indonesian Embassy such as Mr. Abderrezaq and his wife, Saras Meskawi and Haajar Tiyari, Jordanian who resides in Libya. This event can be seen via links:
For all above activities, the Embassy thanks to all stakeholders in Libya and in Indonesia who have made this event happened and success. The Embassy hopes that in this year of 2022 and ahead, the opportunities always be found through our continued collaborative works. For this, the Embassy always be open to cooperate and bridge the communication with related stakeholders in Indonesia to support creative economic among our two peoples.
May Allah azza wa jalla always protects us and gives the good way for both in enhancing people to people contacts in the times ahead. (AK/RE1)
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Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)