Mohommod Nawaz (left) and Hamza Nawaz (right). (Photo: PA)
Mohommod Nawaz (left) and Hamza Nawaz (right). (Photo: PA)

London, 4 Safar 1436/27 November 2014 (MINA) – Two British brothers have been jailed in the U.K. for taking part in jihad training in Syria.

The Old Bailey Criminal Court in London sentenced Mohommod Nawaz to four-and-a-half years in prison, while his younger brother Hamza Nawaz was given three years Wednesday, Anadolu Agency quoted by Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA) as reporting.

The two brothers were convicted for attending a jihad camp and joining a militant group to fight the Syrian Bashar al-Assad regime.

Judge Christopher Moss said evidence obtained from smartphones revealed that both attended a jihad training camp in Syria to join extremists groups.

The court also said that while it was established that the pair were in Syria to support militants, it had no evidence to prove they actually engaged in a battle.

Also, the court noted there was no evidence to show the brothers planned to stage a terror strike in their home country, England.

Last September, the Nawaz brothers were arrested at the Dover Port when they returned to England. Police found ammunition rounds and photos of a militant training camp from their smartphones. (T/P001/P3)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)