Peace in Palestine = Peace in the World



AWG and CoHesive is Ready to Collaborate to Make Palestine Solidarity Month 2023 a Success

sajadi - Saturday, 23 September 2023 - 17:05 WIB

Saturday, 23 September 2023 - 17:05 WIB


Jakarta, MINA – In November, the Aqsa Working Group (AWG) will again hold a month-long celebration of Palestine Solidarity Month 2023, to be precise from November 1 to November 29 2023.

In an effort to make the 2023 Palestine Solidarity Month (BSP) activities a success, AWG held audiences at various institutions, both educational and humanitarian institutions, including the Center of Human Excellence and Diversive (CoHesive).

AWG’s hearing on CoHesive was held at Senayan Park Mall Jakarta, on Thursday, received by the Founder of CoHesive who is also the General Chair of the Young Aerospace Forum, Ahmad Arafat Aminullah, and Mohamad Andi and Rendis Anugerah Ramadhan as CoHesive administrators.

On that occasion, the Chair of the BSP 2023 Committee, Rifa Berliana Arifin, offered that CoHesive was willing to collaborate in the Millennial Peacemaker Forum activities which were planned to be held in the greater Jakarta. This is one of the upcoming BSP series.

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CoHesive Founder Ahmat Arafat said, this Millennial Peacemaker Forum is very interesting for us to raise. Moreover, the themes chosen were about millennials, diplomacy and Palestine. The context that must be studied by young people.

“If we talk about Palestine, who are the Muslims who are not moved to support it. “Just how do we build a platform, so that the peacmaker is good and accepted by the younger generation,” he said.

He hopes that his party can provide added value to the committee to enliven this Palestine Solidarity Month event. Details of the Millennial Peacemaker Forum activities with CoHesive will be discussed further.

“Whatever it is, as we go along, there’s still a month’s time, we can make it concrete,” he concluded.

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According to him, even though the UN has commemorated the international day, we must take it to the national level. So that the echo will be wider. The 15 regions in AWG bureaus are capital for us to improve simultaneously.

Palestine Solidarity Month (BSP)

November was chosen as Palestine Solidarity Month because there are at least four important events commemorated by the Palestinian people and the world:
1. Balfour Declaration on November 2, 1917
2. Death of Yasser Arafat on November 11, 2004
3. Declaration of Independent Palestine on November 15, 1988
4. World Palestine Solidarity Day has been established by the UN since 1979 every November 29.

Based on several historical events above, AWG chose November to be Palestine Solidarity Month and will be commemorated every year.

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BSP 2023 activities will be carried out simultaneously in various regions in Indonesia. This activity will even be held in Gaza, Palestine.

This year’s BSP is the third time it has been held consecutively since 2021. However, in 2021, this activity was held for the first time under the name Palestine Solidarity Week.

BSP 2023 will be celebrated with a variety of activities, ranging from competitions, social service, flag raising at the top of the mountain, Al-Aqsa Love Gowes, as well as seminars. Of course, this activity is carried out in collaboration with all elements of society, starting from humanitarian institutions such as MER-C, community organizations such as MUI and Muhammadiyah, religious figures, government circles to embassies.

To expand networking with various humanitarian organizations, both in Indonesia and abroad, in 2023 Palestine Solidarity Month is scheduled to expand abroad, especially Southeast Asia and the world in general.

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There are many non-governmental organizations (NGOs) working in the field of Palestine, such as in Malaysia, Jordan, Turkey, Qatar, Kuwait, as well as in the UK and US. Including many non-Muslim figures and activists, who care about universal human values.

So that in this way an international Al-Aqsa liberation community can be established, which can urge governments in the world, as well as urge the Israeli Zionist colony to immediately leave Palestine.

If last year’s BSP carried the theme of rejecting the presence of the Israeli U-19 National Team in Indonesia, in BSP 2023, AWG will focus on echoing the rejection of the Israeli bill which will divide the Al-Aqsa Mosque between Muslims and Jews. This bill was proposed by Likud party member Amit Halevi, to the Israeli Parliament, Knesset. Even though according to the applicable regulations, Muslims are the only ones who have the right to the Al-Aqsa Mosque. (T/RE1/P2)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)

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