Geneva, 21 Rabu’ul Awwal 1436/12 January 2015 (MINA) – The Arab Group for Development & National Empowerment based in Geneva called all human rights organizations and international institutions, especially the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), for bearing their moral and humanitarian responsibility against the Israeli occupation practices.
The group said, the responsibility must include serious actions and urgent interference to ensure providing the minimum rights of humanitarian protection for the Palestinian detainees from severe cold, heavy rains, the effects and consequences of winter and low pressures, Palestine News Network (PNN) quoted by Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA) as reporting, Sunday.
The Arab Group also bore the Israeli occupation authorities the complete responsibility against the detainee’s life and providing them with the basic needs of winter such as clothes, shelters, health care and medical treatment to protect them of diseases. This came as a result of absence the heating, scarcity of winter clothes, the severe shortage of blankets, continue the medical negligence policy and disregard providing the necessary care for patients .
In other hand , the Israeli authorities create obstacles and impediments before carrying the clothes and blankets through the families and the official Palestinian institutions of which exacerbating their suffering and make their life miserable .
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The Group also said, the conditions of detaining the Palestinian detainees are very bad and the Israeli prison administration doesn’t take into account their basic needs in winter, doesn’t meet their minimum needs, doesn’t protect them of December cold nor of the heavy rains and can’t avoid them of the sand storm damages in the Negev ( Naqab ) desert.
“The detainees are groaning and trembling of the severe cold, screaming and appealing from the winter severity and from the difficulty of climate in the light of the low depression that blows the region these days. The detainees also appealing the owners of the clear conscience to move and support them by providing the necessary protection from the effects of winter,” the Group added.
The chairman of the Arab Group Mohammed Yehia Shamiyya said, the Israeli prison administration also deliberates taking oppressive and investigative measures against the detainees during the cold and rainy days in order to tighten them, increase their suffering and harm them physically, psychologically and morally.
“The whole previous measures reflects the extent of despising against the life of the Palestinian detainees of which require urgent international interference to protect and save them from the Israeli cruelty,” he said.
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It’s worth mentioning that the Israeli occupation authorities are detaining about (6500 ) Palestinian detainees of which including hundreds of children , women and patients .(T/P008/R03)
Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)
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