Arab Ambassadors Reiterates Their Support to Palestine

Saudi ambassador to Indonesia Osama bin Mohammed Abdullah Al Shuaibi and Palestinian ambassador to Indonesia Zuhair Al Shun

Jakarta, MINA – Ambassadors of Arab countries led by Saudi Arabia affirmed their support for the Palestinians and opposed the policies of US President Donald Trump who recognizes Jerusalem as the capital city of Israel.

“We are all consistent to support Palestinians and oppose Donald Trump’s policy of recognizing Jerusalem as the capital city of Israel. Al Quds (Jerusalem) is a holy city and the capital of Palestine forever, “Saudi Ambassador to Indonesia Osama bin Mohammed Abdullah Al Shuaibi said in Jakarta, Wednesday.

Ambassador Osama stressed, media should not misquote that we and other Arab countries clearly and consistently support Palestinians.

Meanwhile, new Pelestinian Ambassador to Indonesia, Zuhair Al Shun stated, the friendship and cooperation of Arab countries has long awakened and that is what was ordered by Prophet Muhammad PBUH.

Al Shun also praised Indonesian government’s decision to stand in front against Donald Trump’s policy on Jerusalem.

Egypt’s ambassador to Indonesia, Mohammad Al Muqowad, said Egypt would continue along with Palestinians to be free from any form of occupation.

“Al-Quds is entitled to the defense of Muslims wherever they are until it is free from any form of colonization,” he said.

He insinuated an inconsistent of US in running the tradition in UN that to resolve conflicts in a country must hear the receive recommendations and opinions of its neighbors.

Ambasadors from other countries also attended the event. They are ambassadors from Algeria, Jordan, Tunisia, Oman, Uni Emirates Arab, and other Arab countries. (L/P2/RS5)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)