Photo: PIC
Photo: PIC

Vienna, 29 Safar 1436/22 December 2014 (MINA) – A consortium of activists and pro-Palestine institutions on Saturday flocked to Vienna’s Opera House calling for lifting the Israel’s blockade on Gaza and opening its border crossings.

A pro-Palestine demo was staged by the Austria-based Coordination Committee to Support Palestine and the Youth for Palestine organization in front of Vienna’s Opera House, The Palestinian Information Center (PIC) quoted by Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA) as reporting.

Protesters lifted banners urging the Israeli occupation to lift the siege imposed on the Gaza Strip and to immediately open the Rafah crossing, Gaza’s sole passageway, so as to tone down the “noose” tightened around Gazans’ necks.

A selection of live-snapshots and video sequences, projecting the pains and wounds wrought on the Palestinian people by Israel’s blockade policy, were screened during the rally.

“Our true mission resides in lending a hand to the Palestinian people, particularly in Gaza, and support them throughout their fight against the Israeli oppressors,” sit-inner Marcus Schulz said.

The demonstrators slammed Europe’s silence regarding Israel’s policies of ethnic cleansing and forced deportation against the Palestinian people.

Activist Ghassan Obeid, director of the Middle East department at the international Friends of Humanity organization based in Vienna, said the re-opening of the border-crossings will help to restore Palestinians’ freedom of movement and to reconstruct the countless family homes and civilian shelters destroyed by the Israeli rockets and fighter jets during the latest 51-day offensive.(T/P008/R03)


Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)