An Indonesian Policewoman Builds a Mosque in Darfur, Sudan

Darfur, MINA – An Indonesian Policewoman Dewi Suryani, Individual Police Officer (IPO) who is currently on duty at United Nation Peacekeeping Mission UNAMID (United Nations African Union Hybrid Operation) in Darfur, Sudan, built a small mosque by her cost for the community in Sangil, Tobaya Village.

As reported by the official Police News Portal Tribata News on Monday, in carrying out her duties as a peacekeeper in the conflict area, Suryani did not dampen her concern for the poor.

“I met a prayer room from a wooden branch, when the rainy season, people pray wet in the rain, so I built a mosque here,” said Suryani after inaugurating the Mosque in Sangil Tobaya Village, Saturday (11/11).

By looking at that case, Suryani has high social sensitivity. Then, he gave a fund and asked the community to build the mosque. Fortunately, this was greeted enthusiastically by the local community.

Suryani said the process of building the mosque has spent for one month and given the name Ar-Rohman Mosque.

“Giving the name of the Mosque of Ar Rohman by local religious leaders is intended to hopefully be able to minimize the disputes that usually come from a misunderstanding,” Suryani said.

“As the name implies, I hope this mosque can provide mercy and love so that peace can be realized for people in this region,” he concluded.

The inauguration of the Ar-Rohman Mosque was attended by Policewomen Suryani, the village officials such as traditional leaders, religious leaders of Sangil Tobaya Village and IPO officers from other countries.

Suryani has served for nine months at UNAMID’s UN peacekeeping mission in Darfur in collaboration with the International Relations Division of the Indonesian National Police, which has the main task in the field of international relations and cooperation.

Suryani got an assignment in the Sangil Tobaya area, a 45-minute journey by helicopter from El Fasher which is the UNAMID mission command center.

As a Muslim, Dewi also felt how difficult the people in Sangil Tobaya are in worship. That is what prompted Dewi to establish a mosque in the area. (T/Sj/RS5)        

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)