10 Thousand Israeli Soldiers Experience Post-traumatic Since October 2023

Illustration: Evacuation of Israeli Occupation Soldiers injured by Palestinian resistance. (Photo: Qudspress)

Gaza, MINA – Thousands of Israeli Zionist soldiers experienced post-traumatic stress due to facing Palestinian fighters in the Gaza Strip. Since October 2023, as many as 10,000 Zionist reservists have requested mental health services.

The Jerusalem Post reported that a few days ago a soldier committed suicide after receiving orders to return to military duty in the Gaza Strip.

Previously, Israeli newspaper Haaretz revealed that 10 Israeli officers and soldiers had committed suicide since October 7, some of whom committed suicide in fighting in settlements around Gaza.

In May 2024, a flight by El Al’s charter airline Sun D’Or bound for Georgia was forced to turn around and land after a passenger attacked cabin crew.

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The man was identified as an Israeli soldier who suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder due to military service in the Gaza Strip.

“He hit the flight attendant and screamed throughout the plane until it suddenly crashed,” said an eyewitness, reported by the Times of Israel.

According to the eyewitness, the Israeli soldier shouted, “I’m in Gaza, and I’m suffering from PTSD, I see bodies flying in the air.”

The Izzuddin al-Qassam Brigades, Hamas’ military wing, also previously announced that it had rescued an Israeli prisoner from a suicide attempt in which he was captured in the  Gaza Strip.

In mid-March, the Israeli army admitted that it was facing its biggest mental health problem since 1973, against the backdrop of the war waged by Palestinian resistance factions in the Gaza Strip with the occupying army since the Al-Aqsa Hurricane. (T/RE1/P2)

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Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)