Jakarta, MINA – The State Electricity Company (PLN) has been done a normalization for the effect of interference from the 500 KV Paiton-Grati Extra High Voltage Air Line (SUTET). This case has caused the cut off of the channel from Paiton PLTU and Pacitan PLTU to a number of areas of East Java, Central Java, West Java, and Bali.
“We apologize for the power outage due to the disruption of 500 KV Pacitan-Grati system, we are still doing normalization efforts, even for the Bali region, most of them have started to be normal, ” Antara News reported, citing the Head of Corporate Communication Unit PLN I Made Suprateka in a written statement in Jakarta on Thursday.
”Although the electrical conditions generally in Bali have gradually been normal, but to anticipate the peak load, PLN urged citizens to reduce electricity usage for a while,” said Made.
The residents are expected to be able to help reduce the power deficit that might occur today and can reduce the impact of the powerless of electricity.
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Meanwhile, in East Java, Made explained that the efforts to suppress powerlessly of electricity were carried out to localize the area that is experiencing interference so that it cannot makes worse the condition.
“The efforts will continue to normalize the disturbed pathways for energy, therefore, the electricity can be re-flowed again, ” said him.
Until Wednesday afternoon, there were 38 150 kV substations in East Java entirely have could enter the system and supply electricity to customers. “At 10:18 a.m. (5/9) East Java is normal,” added him.
Meanwhile, in West Java occurred the interference with the 500 kV SUTET Transmission Paiton – Grati 1, 2 that caused the powerless in a small part of the particular area, such as in Bandung, Bekasi, Cianjur, Cimahi, Cirebon, Garut, Karawang, Purwakarta, Majalaya, Sumedang, Tasikmalaya, Depok, Gunung Putri, Sukabumi and Bogor.
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“However, this evening those areas affected by powerless have gradually begun recover, “he said.
The powerless is also occurring in a small part in a number of places in Central Java, so PLN continues trying to minimize and localize the impact of the powerless.
For information and customer service regard electricity can contact to123 PLN Center, PLN 123 Facebook, Twitter @ pln_123, email pln123@pln.co.id, and the PLN Mobile application. (T/Sj/RS5)
Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)
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