baznas-roy-300x214.jpg" alt="" width="300" height="214" /> Photo: Royhanul Iman/MINAaznaas
Jakarta, MINA – The National Amil Zakat Agency (Baznas) has received zakat worth Rp157 million from the employees of PT Pertamini Hulu Energi-West Madura Offshore (PT PHE-WMO) which is Operational Sedekah (alm) Fund for Ummah (SHOUM) collected by Muslim employees of the company.
The symbolic handover was made at the PHE Tower, Central Jakarta, Friday (20/10) attended by representatives of the company’s Islamic Propagation Agency (BDI) and from the Baznas.
“SHOUM is a voluntary donation or infak set aside from cutting the salaries of Muslim employees,” said BDI Chairman Heru Imam in the handing over.ceremony ..
He added that the collection of alms from the salary cut is purely the desire of the employees, and not pegged its value with the intention of giving amal jariyah whose reward continues to flow even though the donators have died.
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“The orientation is charity jariyah, whose reward will continue to flow even though the donators have died.
He admitted, the reason to channel the funds through Baznas because the agency was already trusted, especially Baznas is the only official institution formed by the government.
Meanwhile, Mohan, a Baznas official, said the funds will be used to build and renovate mushalla (small houses for prayers) and mosques. The funds will also be used for the provision of clean water in needy areas.
He also hopes that other companies can follow the steps of PT PHE-WMO to care for the welfare of the community.
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“We hope BDI in its da’wah can motivate other Pertamina subsidiaries and other corporates to follow the suit,” he said. (L/R04/RS5)
Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)
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