1500 Palestinians on Hunger Strike for 10th Day in Israeli Lock-Ups

Photo: PIC

Ramallah, 29 Rajab 1438/ 26 April 2017 (MINA) – Over 1,500 Palestinians held in Israeli jails have been an open ended hunger strike for the 10th day running to protest mistreatment and push for basic rights.

A mass hunger strike has swept Israeli jails since April 17 in response to the mistreatment and violations endured by the Palestinian detainees, the Palestinian Information Center (PIC) reported.

The strike’s committee, along with activists and journalists, called for multiplying tweets and posts on social media networks starting 08:00 p.m. on Wednesday using the dignitystrike# solidarity hashtag.

The Palestinian Journalists Union also urged all Palestinian radio stations to speak up for the “dignity and freedom” hunger strike. It further appealed to journalists to join the sit-in tents and protest moves set to be staged at 11:00 a.m. on Thursday.

In a Tuesday statement, the strike’s media committee warned of the turn for the worse the hunger strikers’ health has taken.

Prisoner Samer al-Issawi, member of the Central Committee of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine who had waged the longest hunger strike in history, announced on Tuesday that himself, along with other prison batches, will join the Freedom and Dignity hunger strike next Thursday.

At the same time, the national committee for the support of the hunger strike called for a general strike on Thursday, April 27, in solidarity with the Palestinian detainees.(T/R04/RS5)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)