A Palestinian policeman carries the body of his little girl, who was killed during Israeli shelling, outside al-Shifa hospital in Gaza City, July 20, 2014. (Photo: Press TV)
A Palestinian policeman carries the body of his little girl, who was killed during Israeli shelling, outside al-Shifa hospital in Gaza City, July 20, 2014. (Photo: Press TV)

Gaza, 26 Ramadan 1435/24 July 2014 (MINA) –  At least 15 people have been killed and 200 injured in the Israeli occupation regime forces shelling of a UN school in northern Gaza that was being used as an emergency shelter.

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA) correspondent in Gaza reported that the majority of victims of the latest attack were women and children who are displaced  since their homes were destroyed in the Israeli offensive in early July.

The dead and injured were  taken to three nearby hospital in northern Gaza Strip.

The UN’s school building was used as a refuge camp because it is considered as a safe place. “But what happened this afternoon confirms that there is no more safe areas from Israeli occupation regime forces strikes,”  the correspondent said.

Previously,  other UNRWA school buildings located in Central Gaza  were also victims of  such attacks, no casualties reported.

In an interview with Al Jazeera, Robert Turner, the director for UNRWA, the UN’s humanitarian organization in Gaza, said there was no warning from the Israelis before the shells landed. He confirmed there were casualties.

This tragedy extend the range of Israeli occupation military strikes on public facilities where previously they also often bombarded the hospital buildings and dozens of mosques.

Until now, there are more than 60 mosques, 140 public facilities and 120 educational facilities that have been destroyed by the latest Zionists forces strikes with the death toll  hit 771 and 4750 other wounded since 18 days of their aggression. (L/K02/Syt/P03/E01)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA) 

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