US Muslim citizen Marwa Balkar. Image from 9news
US Muslim citizen Marwa Balkar. Image from 9news

Los Angeles, 19 Safar 1437/1 November 2015 (MINA) – A young US Muslim woman from Los Angeles has challenged Islamophobia with a passionate Facebook post, in which she describes herself as a devotee of peace and unity, 9news reported.

In a post to Facebook on November 21, Marwa Balkar addressed controversial U.S. Republican Presidential hopeful Donald Trump, taking him to task for his criticisms of Islam.

The post has since received more than 599,500 likes, 161,000 shares and 1300 comments, including most notably a like from Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg.

“Dear @realdonaldtrump, my name is Marwa, and I am a Muslim,” Balkar writes, IINA quoted by Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA) as reporting.

The 22-year-old goes on to attack Trump’s recent declaration that Muslim Americans should register with a government database or carry special identification cards spelling out their religion.

“I heard you wanted us to start wearing ID badges, so I decided to choose one for myself,” Balkar posted.

“I am not easily identifiable as a ‪#‎Muslim just by looking at me, so my new badge will let me display proudly who I am.

“I chose the peace sign because it represents my ‪#‎Islam. The one that taught me to oppose ‪#‎injustice and yearn for ‪#‎unity.

“The one that taught me that killing one innocent life is equivalent to killing humanity.

“I heard you want to track us as well. Great! You can come with me on my Cancer Awareness walks at the local middle school, or you can follow me to work where it’s my job to create happiness.

“You can also see how my local mosque makes PB&J [peanut butter and jelly] sandwiches for the homeless and hosts interfaith dinners where everyone is welcome.

“Maybe then you’ll see that me being Muslim doesn’t make me any less American than you are.

“Maybe if you walk in my footsteps, you can see that I am not any less human than you are. Salaamu alaikum ‪#‎NOTINMYNAME ‪#‎FightWithPeace.”

Facebook users have offered their unanimous support for Balkar.

“You are the future and a beautiful one too,” said user Faranak Aldashi.

“Don’t change anything and just march on. Humanity is defined by people like you.” (T/P007/R07)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)