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World Hydration Specialists Attend the 2019 Asian Nutrition Congress in Bali

Rana Setiawan - Thursday, 8 August 2019 - 12:03 WIB

Thursday, 8 August 2019 - 12:03 WIB

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Bali, MINA – Bali is hosting the scientific activities of the Asian Nutrition Congress (ACN) on 4-7 August 2019. The scientific event was attended by nutrition and medical experts from various countries.

To increase knowledge about the benefits of water and healthy hydration based on the latest scientific studies, PT. Tirta Investama (Danone-AQUA) presented international and national experts as speakers, including Professor Stavros Kavouras from Arizona State University (United States) and Clementine Morin, PhD from Danone Research Paris-Saclay (France).

In the symposium session was interrupted by ACN which was moderated by Dr. Widjaja Lukito, Ph.D, Sp.GK (K) from the Human Nutrition Research Center, IMERI-FKUI, Professor Stavros Kavouras explained healthy hydration using methods and methods for the hydration status method, for example by looking at the urine osmolality collected for 24 hours, also plasma osmolality which is usually done in a laboratory.

According to Kavouras, there is actually an easier way to measure daily hydration status, namely by comparing the color of urine with a validated color chart (urine color chart), which in Indonesia is added in a sticker format.

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Meanwhile, Clementine Morine, PhD hydration expert from Danone Global explained the scientific publications and fluid intake of Indonesian people, commonly called Liq. In 7

In the publication of 7 (European Journal of Nutrition) in 2018, 78% of children, 79% of adolescents, 72% of adults out of a total of 3644 participants were adequately needed for their fluids.

In the fulfillment of these fluids, water is a contributor to total fluid intake for all ages (76-81%). Clementine Morin said the results of the 7th study were against Indonesian people who already had an awareness of fulfilling healthy hydration.

“The total fluid intake of Indonesian people has increased, but 1 in 4 adults and 1 in 5 children and adolescents in Indonesia is still not enough to drink,” he said.

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Even so, the interaction of healthy hydration with adequate drinking of healthy drinking water needs to be optimized to reduce the risk of future illness due to short-term and long-term (mild, moderate) dehydration.

The symposium activity interrupted by the Asian Nutrition Congress was intended for nutritionists, doctors and other medical personnel, to understand the adequacy of hydration and environmental factors needed to change healthy hydration habits (hydrogenic environment).

Water is a major component in the human body. In adult men 55% -60%, in adult women 50% -60% of body weight.

Because of differences in body composition, children have a higher percentage of water compared to adults.

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On average, air represents 75% of a baby’s body mass until the age of 6 months, then decreases rapidly during infancy and slows down in childhood.

Without water all human activities cannot be continued, no chemical reaction in the body can take place without the presence of air.

As one of the important macro nutrients that have functions in various important processes in the body, namely: as forming cells and body fluids, as a regulator of body temperature, as a solvent in the food process, as a lubricant and cushion, as a transportation medium, and as a media for elimination metabolic waste in the body.

By resolution, healthy hydration is the adequacy of the volume of air in the body that is adjusted to the needs and characteristics of the fluid (chemical / physical / biological), so it does not affect the complexity of drinking needs in adult men is 8-10 glasses, adult women 7-9 glasses, children – children 5-7 cups, depending on the size of the glass used (AKG 2013). (L / R01)

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Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)


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