Mataram City, MINA – Muslims in Mataram City, West Nusa Tenggara, on Wednesday night celebrated the Islamic New Year 1 Muharram 1442 Hijriah, with activities at the end and beginning of the year, zikir and reading Surah Yasin in their respective neighborhoods regularly adhere to the Covid-19 protocol.
As has been done by residents in Dasan Agung Village, Selaparang District, Mataram City, the average citizen chooses to celebrate the Islamic New Year 1442 Hijriah at home, but there are also a limited number of mosques in each neighborhood.
Kadafi (34), a resident in Dasan Agung Village, said that the celebration of the Islamic New Year in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic was carried out only with prayers and remembrance in mosques with limited congregations.
“Unlike previous years, there were torch parades around the village, istighosah and other activities to enliven the New Year’s momentum,” he said. As quoted from Ihram News.
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In addition, not all of the congregations, especially from the elderly and youth in the mosque, came because some chose to do the same thing at home with their respective families.
“This is in accordance with a circular from the Mataram City Government, which suggests that people carry out Islamic New Year celebration activities at homes, mushalla or mosques while adhering to the Covid-19 protocol,” he said.
The celebration of welcoming the Hijri New Year this year is different, and very simple, but it does not detract from the meaning of the Islamic New Year commemoration as in previous years. (T/RE1)
Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)
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