Ukhuwah Al-Fatah Rescue Presents French Instructors for Urban SAR Training

The humanitarian and disaster response organization Ukhuwah Al-Fatah Rescue (UAR) has once again conducted Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) training at the Jakarta Rescue Training Center in Citeko, Cisarua, Bogor on Thursday, September 19, 2024. (Photo: UAR)

Bogor, MINA – Following a successful training session with Jakarta Rescue on August 10-11, UAR is hosting this USAR training from September 19 to 24, 2024, featuring eight expert SAR instructors from PUI France.

The training, which was inaugurated by UAR Chairman Endang Sudrajat aims to enhance the capacity of USAR personnel in disaster response, particularly in urban areas, and to effectively utilize drone technology in search and rescue operations.

“We understand that Indonesia is prone to disasters, from earthquakes and floods to fires. Therefore, the presence of advanced technology and skills, such as drone operations in disaster management, is essential,” said Endang Sudrajat.

He expressed high appreciation for the instructors from PUI France who are sharing their knowledge and skills.

International collaboration like this is crucial for strengthening UAR personnel’s ability to respond quickly and effectively to emergencies.

Endang Sudrajat encouraged participants to make the most of this opportunity, emphasizing the importance of understanding each topic presented, as the skills and knowledge gained here will not only benefit them but also the communities in need during crises.

Until next Tuesday (September 24), 60 participants from various UAR branches across Indonesia will receive training not only in USAR but also in Medical Rescue, Logistics, and Drone Disaster Operations, which are vital for urban disaster victim search and rescue efforts led by the PUI France instructors.

This training is also attended by representatives from Wanadri, the Crisis and Emergency Health Center (PK3D) DKI, and the Jakarta Special Region Disaster Management Agency (BPBD DKJ). Two representatives from the National Police Headquarters are also present as observers.

Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) refers to rescue operations conducted in urban environments affected by disasters such as earthquakes, explosions, floods, or building collapses. The primary goal of USAR is to search for, locate, and rescue individuals trapped under rubble or in hard-to-reach areas. (T/RE1/P2)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)