Cibubur, MINA – The Aqsa Working Group (AWG) and Al-Fatah Islamic boarding school organized a vehicle convoy for Al-Aqsa Mosque on Sunday morning.
The convoy began at At-Taqwa Mosque in Taman Wiladatika Cibubur after the Fajr prayer and ended At-Taqwa Mosque in Al-Fatah Islamic Boarding School, Cileungsi, Bogor Regency.
Convoy speaker Mukhlisin stated that the event aimed to foster greater love for Al-Aqsa and support for the Palestinian struggle.
Another speaker, Akhirul Soleh, mentioned that the convoy was organized by the pesantren community to demonstrate solidarity with the Palestinian cause.
The Palestine Solidarity Convoy saw hundreds of cars and motorcycles participating, with participants coming from various areas in Jakarta and its surroundings.
They were adorned with flags, banners, and headbands featuring Palestinian symbols.
Throughout the convoy, participants drove orderly and wore full protective gear. (T/RE1)
Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)
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