Rights Comission Asks Indonesian Government to Guarantee Security in Papua

Jakarta, MINA – The National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) asks the Indonesian Government to guarantee comprehensive security in Papua. Komnas HAM hopes that the scale of violence in Papua will continue to decline.

Komnas HAM also asked the Indonesian government to improve public services in Papua. Because so far public services there are considered to be unequal.

“Komnas HAM encourages the government to continue to strive to strengthen the peaceful ecosystem in Papua by ensuring excellent public services in terms of health services, education and the local economy,” said Komnas HAM Chairman Atnike Nova Sigiro in a statement on Monday.

Komnas HAM believes that good public services can be an element in preventing continued conflict in Papua. The reason is that Papuan people are considered to need excellent public services.

“This is important to suppress the escalation of conflict and violence in Papua,” said Atnike.

However, Komnas HAM did not strongly condemn the actions of Papuan separatists which had an impact on security escalation. Komnas HAM only condemns all forms of violence in Papua in general.

“Komnas HAM will continue to monitor developments in the human rights situation in Papua,” said Atnike.

Komnas HAM recorded at least 12 incidents of violence that occurred in Papua and targeted members of the TNI/Polri and civilians during the period March and April 2024.

At least four civilians and five TNI/Polri members were injured. Then eight people died, consisting of five members of the TNI/Polri and three civilians (one adult and two children), two women who were victims of criminal acts of sexual violence (TPKS). (T/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)