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Prof Said Aqil Reminds Indonesia Leaders of the Dangers of LGBT

sajadi - Monday, 31 July 2023 - 15:55 WIB

Monday, 31 July 2023 - 15:55 WIB


Jakarta, MINA – The Friendship Institute for Islamic Organizations and Religious Friendship Institutions (LPOI-LPOK) under the captain Prof. KH Said Aqil Siroj reminded the danger of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) phenomena with various patterns, agendas and movements that have been, are being and are they will do.

The LPOI-LPOK, which consists of 14 Islamic organizations and six religious organizations, asked Indonesian leaders to act decisively in response to the massive LGBT movement.

“Facing the outbreak of the LGBT virus, which is currently endemic and moves massively on behalf of and at the same time in the name of human rights (HAM) inclusiveness and freedom, the nation’s leaders and all national stakeholders must immediately act decisively, swiftly and intelligently in handling it,” said Kiai. Said Aqil through a written message received by, in Jakarta on Sunday.

He also emphasized that the nation’s leaders in responding to the massive LGBT movement must not be late, so that the LGBT virus can be resolved and can be contained immediately so that the LGBT virus does not turn into an LGBT pandemic which endangers the future of the Indonesian nation.

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Said Aqil stated that there is no religion that tolerates LGBT. It is against the divine nature of human creation.

He emphasized that LGBT is against Pancasila. LGBT is a human virus, which if left unchecked will speed up human extinction and at the same time accelerate the coming of God’s wrath or punishment.

“Allah SWT, God Almighty cursed LGBT. Various diseases and physical and mental destruction have been inflicted on the deviations committed by LGBT people. Various disasters have come and destroyed the LGBT community,” he said.

Said reminded that the story of Lut’s people who were destroyed by God, is clear evidence that should be a warning and reminder to all humans, so that this tragedy does not happen again.

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According to him, the deviant behavior and orientation of LGBT people is medically unacceptable, very vulnerable and very dangerous to human health.

“Ignorance and indifference to the LGBT phenomenon will lead to the destruction of Indonesia’s future generations. Because the LGBT virus is very easy to spread and infect society. They move very massively through the doors of culture and multi-media propaganda,” explained Said Aqil.

He emphasized that if this is not handled carefully and quickly, the existence of LGBT will expand and then destroy the social and cultural fabric of Indonesia and run counter to the spirit of religions in Indonesia.

“The most important thing to understand and underline is that the LGBT movement is getting fresh air from the ‘Global Conspiracy’ in line with their setting of forcing countries to accept the existence of LGBT,” said Said Aqil.

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The unity of state leaders, religious leaders and all national stakeholders, to move together to be vigilant and build preparedness for the attack of the LGBT virus which is spreading massively hidden under the pretext of democracy and coercion in the name of human rights, inclusivity and freedom, and supported by the power of global funding. (T/RE1/P2)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)

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Illustration of the LGBTQ flag. (Photo: