President: Indonesia to Evacuate 74 Indonesian Citizens in Princess Cruise

President Joko Widodo (photo: Setkab)

Riau Province, MINA – President Joko Widodo said that there would be an immediate evacuation of 74 Indonesian citizens who were crews of the Diamond Princess Cruise Ship that had been declared healthy and free of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19).

“I think as soon as possible, because this is also still the process of diplomacy between Indonesia and Japan for us to ask for this, ask for this, but there is still no answer,” said the President answering reporters’ questions after reviewing the nursery in Pelalawan Regency, Riau Province on Friday, February 21.

The Head of State hopes that there will be a decision soon so he can immediately decide.

“Yes, this is in the process of preparation but we haven’t decided yet. We also prepared a hospital ship but the matters relating to the place have not been decided yet, ” he said.

All preparations, according to the president, we are made whether later evacuated by ship to the hospital directly or evacuation by plane.

Previously, Coordinating Minister for PMK, Muhadjir explained that there were several evacuation options that would still be considered and awaited the president’s direction. Among them, picking up by ship of the Indonesian Navy or by air, taking into account its efficiency and effectiveness.

“I cannot convey it in detail, we will wait for it to be conveyed first to the President. If there is already a direction from the President, I will convey a more complete information, “he said.

Nevertheless, according to Muhadjir, the government was strongly committed to evacuating the crew as soon as possible.

Even the next process will follow the procedures set by the World Health Organization (WHO).

“The procedure is in accordance with yesterday’s set by WHO. But everything is still optional, awaiting the direction of the President, “he said. (T/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)