Cileungsi, Bogor Regency, MINA – In the holy month of Ramadan, Imaamul Muslimin Yakhsyallah Mansur invites Muslims to perform night prayers or Qiyamul Lail During Ramadhan, one of which is Tarawih prayers.
“It is customary for Indonesian Muslims to perform the Tarawih prayer after the Isha prayer is finished, which means earlier,” said Imaam Yakhsyallah at the At-Takwa Mosque, Cileungsi, Bogor, West Java on Sunday.
He explained that Qiyamul Lail Ramadhan is the same as the Tarawih prayer which is held after the Isya prayer in congregation at the mosque.
“The Messenger of Allah, Shallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, performed 11 cycles of prayer after the end of the Isha prayer until before dawn (Dawn). Qiyamul lail is worship that is performed at night, even if only for a moment, it can be followed by reading the Qur’an, and other worship.
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Imaam Yakhsyallah said, the Rashidun Khulafaur practiced the Qiyamul Ramadhan prayer, and it became a habit for the Prophet’s companions.
As Allah’s command to the Prophet Muhammad Shallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, So be istiqomah you (Muhammad) as ordered, with those who repent.
“Let’s prosper the tarawih prayers in this holy month of Ramadan like the practice of the Rashidun Khulafaur who always practice qiyamul lail Ramadhan, prosper the mosques around us,” said Imaam Yakhsyallah. (T/RE1)
Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)
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