Palestinian Ulama, Sheikh Omar Abdullah Syalah Tells the Condition of Palestinian Students

Palestinian scholar, Sheikh Dr. Omar Abdullah Syalah during a Da'wah Saari with the Aqsa Working Group (AWG) at the An-Nubuwwah Mosque, the Shuffah Hizbullah Islamic Boarding School Complex and the Al-Fatah Madrasa, Al-Muhajirun, Negararatu, Natar, South Lampung. (Photo: Habib/MINA)

Al-Muhajirun, South Lampung, MINA – Palestinian Ulama, Sheikh Dr. Omar Abdullah Syalah recounted the condition of students in Palestine who were always under threat from the Israeli Zionist Occupation.

“There is no difference between learning in Palestine and Indonesia, the process is the same, only the conditions are different,” he said in front of hundreds of students from the Shuffah Hizbullah Islamic Boarding School and Al-Fatah Madrasah during the Aqsa Working Group Dakwah Safari at the An-Nubuwwah Mosque, Al-Muhajirun, South Lampung on Saturday.

He explained that Palestinian students were no different from residents or adults in Palestine, all of them faced threats from the Israeli occupation soldiers.

“There are not a few Palestinian students who come home from school with names left, none other than the actions of the arrogant and inhumane colonialists. Some were shot, tortured and even bombed right along with the school building,” said Sheikh Omar.

Children, students in Palestine who go to school with various stationery and bags, are searched by the occupation army because they are considered to be carrying weapons and are feared that they will resist or even rebel.

“Going to school with a bag, they are considered terrorists because the contents of the bag are suspected, they are afraid that these children are a danger to the Zionist soldiers,” he explained.

Even though various threats are very real in plain sight, continued Sheikh, there is one thing that should be of concern to us, that the students there are very enthusiastic about learning, enthusiastic about studying.

“They learn not only to take advantage of their time in class, but also wherever where they continue to study, whether it’s at the mosque, prayer room, house, field, everything is used for learning,” he said.

“So, have we studied seriously, or even playing games, with our conditions that are so comfortable, safe, peaceful and very easy to learn. You are now at a very strategic age to determine 2 directions, do you fill it with positive things, or the opposite direction, you fill it with something that is useless, bad, even disobedience, “he continued.

He revealed that the students and Palestinian people all have one goal, one commitment, namely expelling the Zionists from Palestinian land.

Sheikh Omar emphasized that this was solely due to commitment, defending the rights of Muslims, namely the blessed Palestinian land and Al-Aqsa Mosque. (T/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)