Photo: Maan News Agency
Photo: Maan News Agency

Bethlehem, 1 Dzulqa’dah 1436/16 August 2015 (MINA) – Israeli forces shot dead a 16-year-old Palestinian boy after he allegedly stabbed a Border Police officer near Beita in southern Nablus, the Palestinian Red Crescent Society said.

The society said that the teenager, identified as Rafeeq Kamil Rafeeq al-Taj, was shot multiple times. Earlier reports identified him incorrectly as Ahmad al-Taj.

Ambulance staff tried to resuscitate him, but he succumbed to his wounds, the society said, Maan News Agency quoted by Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA) as reporting

An Israeli police spokesperson said that an Israeli Border Police officer shot the teenager after he stabbed another police officer in the back.

An Israeli army spokesperson added that the police officer was being treated.

Earlier on Saturday, Israeli forces shot and injured a Palestinian man twice in his hand after he allegedly stabbed an Israeli soldier west of Ramallah.

An Israeli army spokesperson told Ma’an that Israeli forces shot the Palestinian on Route 443 near the village of Beit Ur al-Tahta.

The incident took place less than a week after another Palestinian was shot dead on the same road following his alleged involvement in a stabbing attack that left an Israeli civilian lightly wounded.

Anas Muntaser Taha, 20, from the village of Qutna northwest of Jerusalem, was killed when Israeli forces opened fire “to prevent the suspect from escaping,” an Israeli army spokesperson said.

Earlier this week, Israeli media reported that the Israeli army had implemented new rules of engagement, requiring soldiers in the occupied Palestinian territory to hold their fire unless there is a genuine threat to their lives.

Previous rules allowed Israeli soldiers to use fire “warning shots” when their lives were not at imminent risk, and subsequently aim for lower extremities when engaging with Palestinians on the ground.

Since the beginning of 2015 Israeli forces have injured an average of 37 Palestinians a week, according to UN figures.

Israeli forces have killed at least 24 Palestinians since the start of the year. (T/P010/R03)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)

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