Al-Qassam brigades forces. Photo: Al Qassam doc
Al-Qassam brigades forces. Photo: Al Qassam doc

Gaza, 14 Dhulqa’dah 1435/9 Spetember 2014 (MINA) – The two Palestinian resistance movements  in Gaza,  Hamas and Islamic Jihad firmly reject international intervention in the Gaza Strip as it will harm the Palestinian resistance against the occupation regime.

“Any international intervention in the Gaza Strip would not serve the interests of the Palestinian people and this is an attempt to weaken the resistance, it is unacceptable and we totally reject it,” said Yusuf Al Husainah, the chairman of the Islamic Jihad movement, Monday, as reported by Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)’s correspondent in Gaza Strip.

Al-Husaina also said, “if the purpose of the deployment of international troops on the border to obtain intelligence information  from Palestinian resistance and do not serve the security of the Palestinian people, then we reject it.”

Meanwhile, Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri said :” Hamas rejected any deal that would bring international forces to the blockaded  enclave, as it would be a new form of colonialism and will not allow any agreement which affects the reconciliation and the rights of Palestinians”.

Two weeks ago, Israeli media Haaretz revealed a secret document of Israel’s Foreign Ministry,  proposing to the parliamentary to bring international forces to  Gaza Strip for overseeing the reconstruction of Gaza and preventing the arming of Hamas and other resistance groups.(L/R04/R03)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)