U.S. President Barack Obama (Image: www.erdely.ma)
U.S. President Barack Obama. (Image: www.erdely.ma)

Washington, 17 Ramadan 1435/15 July 2014 (MINA) – U.S. President Barack Obama lauded Egypt’s ceasefire initiative to end fighting between Israel occupation forces and Palestinian freedom fighters in the Gaza Strip on Monday.

“We’re going to continue doing everything we can to facilitate a return to the 2012 cease-fire,” said Obama during an Iftar dinner at the White House on Monday night, Anadolu Agency quoted by Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA) as reporting.

“We are encouraged that Egypt has made a proposal to accomplish this goal, which we hope can restore the calm that we’ve been seeking.”

But, repeated his claim that “Israel has the right to defend itself against what I consider to be inexcusable attacks from Hamas.”

Meanwhile, Middle East Quartet envoy, Tony Blair, on Monday welcomed an Egyptian initiative to bring about ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, the target of a weeklong Israeli offensive.

He said the proposed ceasefire can halt the “tragic” loss of life in Gaza.

“I welcome the statement from Egypt, calling on the parties to implement a ceasefire to give a chance for a proper, full and long-term solution to Gaza to be put in place,” Blair said.

Egypt proposed the ceasefire deal a week into the Israeli military intervention that has killed at least 189 Palestinians in the long-besieged Gaza Strip. The plan called for Israel and Palestinian factions to cease all hostilities, and for Gaza’s border crossings to be opened “once the security situation becomes stable.”

In a press briefing on Monday, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest denied that war crimes had been committed or disproportionate force had been used by the Israeli military.

While the rationale for the intervention in Gaza was to end the firing of rockets by Hamas and other resistance factions, no Israeli civilian or soldier has been killed. (T/P09/E01)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)

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