MUI Deactivate Two Officials Suspected of Involvement with Israeli-Affiliated Organization

Chairman of MUI's Fatwa Division, Prof. KH Asrorun Ni'am Sholeh (MUI)

Jakarta, MINA – The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) has deactivated two of its officials suspected of involvement with an NGO affiliated with Israel.

Chairman of MUI’s Fatwa Division, Prof. KH Asrorun Ni’am Sholeh, stated that this decision was taken following internal consolidation within MUI, in response to the visit of five Indonesian citizens to Israel.

From the internal consolidation conducted by MUI, it was found that there was an NGO established by several individuals, one of whose vision was to build diplomatic relations with Israel.

Prof. Ni’am revealed that the two officials of this NGO were registered as members of MUI’s Fatwa Commission with the initials MAQ and AR.

“Due to MUI’s institutional stance clearly condemning the genocidal actions by Israel and supporting the struggle for Palestinian independence, these’ actions are clearly contrary to MUI’s principles and constitution,” said Prof. Ni’am on Thursday.

Prof. Ni’am disclosed that in a meeting of MUI’s Fatwa Division Chairman with the leadership of MUI’s Fatwa Commission, decisive steps were taken to disable the two members of the Fatwa Commission.

“The outcomes of these meetings will be brought to MUI’s leadership meeting for further organizational measures,” he added.

Furthermore, the Professor from UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta explained that tracing and profiling had been conducted.

Moreover, he had also confirmed with both members regarding their involvement with an NGO affiliated with Israeli Zionism.

Prof. Ni’am stressed that the results of these investigations have been validated, confirming that both members are indeed associated with an organization affiliated with Israel.

The head of An-Nahdlah Islamic Boarding School in Depok, West Java, clarified that both members were also found to have visited the Israeli Embassy in Singapore last year.

“This is sufficient for us to disable them while we seek further explanations. We have communicated this with both individuals,” he continued.

Prof. Ni’am stressed that the next steps regarding the fate of these two Fatwa Commission officials will be carried out according to MUI’s organizational mechanisms. (T/RE1/P2)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)