Israeli forces raid on Al-Aqsa mosque
Israeli forces raid on Al-Aqsa mosque

Kuala Lumpur, 18 Dzulhijjah 1436/2 October 2015 (MINA) – At least 27 Malaysian non government organizations made a joint statement related to Israeli continous acts against the holy site, Al Aqsa mosque, in the occupied territory of East Al Quds.

The statement demanded the  US President  Barack Obama to act on Israel  on the on going attacks on the holy site, moreover Israeli occupation continuesly building illegal settlements in the area.

“We believe , you as the President of the USA would have enough clout to prevail upon Israel that the attrocities inflicted on the Palestinians and on the holy Al Aqsa mosque by the Israeli police and Jewish settlers must be stopped with immediate effect,” said the statement.

Here’s the transcript of the joint statement:







October , 2nd 2015



The Embassodor of the United States of America to Malaysia



We, the people of Malaysia , is handing over to you today October , 2nd 2015 ,  our memorandum of protest and demand for you to act on Israel  on the on going attacks on the Al Aqsa Mosque .

We believe , you as the President of the USA would have enough clout to prevail upon Israel that the attrocities inflicted on the Palestinians and on the holy Al Aqsa mosque by the Israel police and Jewish settlers must be stopped with immediate effect.

The clashes was triggered by the Jews who visited the site in annexed east Jerusalem for the start of the Jewish New Year on Sept.13, sparking days of clashes between Muslims and Israeli police on and near the plaza that houses the Dome of the Rock and Al Aqsa . However the escalated violence by the Jewish security forces has gone further into attacks in the Al Aqsa Mosque itself.

The current assault on the Al Aqsa Mosque is yet a repeated act by Israel’s arrogance and terror , which is executed with full consciouness that it has the backing of the US. You are fully aware that this is the major reason why Israel is continuing its violant act without fear .

We remind you that Muslims , would see this incident as a memory  of the 1969 arson attack against Al-Aqsa Mosque, when it was set on fire by an Australian Jew, Michael Rohan, in coordination with Israel’s occupation authorities and its military forces.

The attack was triggered by hatred, intolerance and racial discrimination instilled by the founders of Israel against Arabs, Islam and Christianity.

The utter disregard for the sanctity of the third holiest Mosque by the Israeli Occupation Forces and the Jewish settlers  is an outright challenge to ignite war against the Muslims . The clashes that has escalated in the Al Aqsa compound stems from the continous provocative actions by Jews and the Israel security forces.

We ,  the citizens of Malaysia , from all races and religous believers register our strongest condemnation on the continuing illegal acts of  the Israeli police and settlers against the  Al-Aqsa Mosque , the third holiest place for Muslims.

The continuous and hostile actions carried out by Israel in Jerusalemand the Al Aqsa mosque compound is tantamount to provoking Muslims globally to respond and thereby will escalate violence in the region. Attacks against Al-Aqsa Mosque carried out by Israeli settlers is an incitement of Muslims’ feelings which will increase anger in the region.

You know very well that Israel has grossly committed human rights violations and abuses in Gaza and Al Quds, resulting also in unrest throughout the whole of West Asia specificaly and the whole world.

We are outraged by the barbaric action by the police and Jewish settlers who have with impunity launched a destructive operation on the holy mosque.Yousef Mukhaimar, the head of the Al-Aqsa worshipper movement, Mourabitoun, told Al Jazeera that Muslim Palestinians were “prohibited from entering the mosque to pray, while Israeli settlers are allowed to enter the mosque and roam around freely under police protection”.

“Wide areas of the mosque carpeting have been burned as a result of the Israeli police firing bombs, bullets and tear gas canisters inside the mosque compound,

We are angered by the fierce attack on the Palestinian worshippers at Al-Aqsa Mosque carried out by aorund 120 Israeli settlers escorted by Israeli police and military on the anniversary of the destruction of the Temple Mount.The police arrested several worshippers accusing that they tried to prevent a group of Jewish settlers from entering into the mosque area.

Israel has , since its existence , intended to fully occupy and destroy the mosque and the recent annoucement to divide it both according to time and space between Muslims and Jews  is a direct extended plan to continue its full Judaization of Jurusalem. Its ultimate aim is to demolish the holy mosque and enact the Jewish temple on the site.

We will not allow Israel to divide the holy mosque and demand that you halt this heinous act immediately. The sanctity and the full historical rights of all Muslims to the Al Aqsa mosque must be ensured and any violation on it cannot be tolerated.

We stand firm with the status that the Al Aqsa Mosque , Al Haram Al Sharif compound is indivisible and not subject to be shared with the Jews.

We call on you , to personnally  respond and put a stop to the Zionist move to divide the Mosque and to stop the mosque from being surrounded by the Israel forces. You should invoke on the United Nation Security Council to ensure safety and security of Palestinians in the occupied territories.

You as the President of teh US must ensure  that the Al Aqsa mosque must be protected and all restrictions banning Palestinians and worshipers to enter the Mosque must be revoked. By keeping silence and witnessing the continous attacks on the Mosque , you will be seen as  colluding with the zionist to totally destroy the holy mosque .

The ongoing Al Aqsa clashes will  have “serious consequences,” especially in the absence of peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians that have been stalled since April 2014.

There can be no negotiation on the protection of the Mosque as it righfully belong to the Muslims and there will be no tolerance on the any attempt to divide Al Aqsa either in space or in allocation of time for prayers .

We demand that the US bear full responsibility on the attrocities on Al Aqsa and Al Haram Al Sharif compund by Israel as the US has been backing Israel with economic and military assistance and thereby allowing Israel to inflict sufferings on the Palestinian and destroying the holy sites . US  must stop Israel from its aggression and violations on the holy Mosque.(L/R04)

We will sacrifice our souls for Aqsa


  1. Al-Quds Foundation Malaysia (QFM)
  2. Aqsa Syarif (MyCare)
  3. Majlis Perundingan Pertubuhan Islam Malaysia (MAPIM)
  4. Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (ABIM)
  5. Viva Palestina Malaysia (VPM)
  6. Palestinian Cultural Organization (PCOM)
  7. IKRAM
  8. Yayasan Restu
  9. Pertubuhan Himpunan Lepasan Institusi Pendidikan Malaysia (HALUAN)
  10. Pardana Global Peace Foundation (PGPF)
  11. Global Peace Malaysia (GPM)
  12. Sekretariat Himpunan Ulama Rantau Asia (SHURA)
  13. Persatuan Kebangsaan Pelajar Islam Malaysia (PKPIM)
  14. Palestinian Students Association
  15. Wadah Pencerdasan Umat Malaysia (WADAH)
  16. Palestine Center of Excellence (PACE)
  17. Malaysian Life for SYRIA (MLL4S)
  18. Rose to Rose (R2R)
  19. SALIMAH (Persatuan Persaudaraan Muslimah Malaysia)
  20. TERAS (Persatuan Pendidikan dan Kebajikan Melayu)
  21. SHURA (Sekertariat Himpunan Ulama Rantau Asia)
  22. Ittihad Ulama Lil Muslimin, Malaysia
  23. Rahmat Care
  24. Jaringan Muafakat Ngo Islam Perak
  25. Citizens International
  26. Al-Nedaa Foundation
  27. Muslim Care



Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)